viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013


Act 01. What is my favorite dog breed's name?

Japanese Chin

Small, lively and aristocratic, the Japanese Chin is a square-proportioned small dog. It has a bright, inquisitive expression — distinctly Oriental. A small amount of white shows in the inner corners of the eyes, imparting a look of astonishment. Its gait is stylish, lively and light. The single coat is abundant, straight and silky, tending to stand out from the body. The overall appearance is one of Oriental aristocracy.

Vocabulary Activity:

sprinter: velocista, corredor
jogger: trotador
breed: raza
to hunt: cazar
laid-back approach: despreocupado, relajado
watchdog: perro guardián
grooming: Cepillado, aseo cuidado
couch potato: haragán, sedentario
round: completo
towards: hacia, a
laid-back approach: despreocupado, relajado
fairly: mas o menos, razonablemente 

Act 02. Can dogs understand what we say?

Vocabulary activity:

Accurately: con precisión, exactamente
Toddler: niño pequeño
Marvel: sorprenderse, maravillarse
meaningful: significativo 
whimper: queja, maullido
tail-wag: mover o menear la cola 
Whether: si (conjunción), si es que
fixation: fijacion, obsesión, centrarse.

Act 03. TV shows that attract my attention. 

Too cute! I watch this tv show always... I love cute animals, especially pupies, they are so tenders an funnies. I really love them more than anything in this world, they are just so cute!!!

Bad Dog! I love this tv show, it is the most funniest tv show in this channel. It is so cute their faces after the big mess that they have done, just like my own pets.

My cat from Hell I think i would like to watch this tv show, because its like Cesar Milano, and i think is a very beutiful job to help other people with their pet problems.

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